Heart rate variability (HRV):
Creating Physiological coherence to assist in Quantum healing

Science has now shown us that the rhythm of our heart beat affects how we think and feel. You can learn to consciously shift your heart rhythm to increase your emotional composure and clear thinking. The benefits of training yourself to control your HRV can be life changing and life long.
Benefits may include:
Quickly re-balancing mind, body and emotions as you reduce stress
Building resilience through improved health, stamina and well-being
Avoiding burnout in chaotic and changing environments
Maximizing creativity and innovation
Boosting performance and increase mental clarity and memory
Being less reactive, thinking more clearly, and making better decisions under pressure
We use HeartMath's HRV Technology - The leading researchers and technology in the field of HRV
HeartMath technology is an innovative approach to improving emotional wellbeing. Learn to change your heart rhythm pattern to create physiological coherence; a scientifically measurable state characterized by increased order and harmony in our mind, emotions and body.
Learn more about HeartMath and their groundbreaking research on the affects of HRV here
“Dare to connect with your heart. You will be lifting not only yourself and those you love and care about, but also the world in which you live.”
- Doc Childre, HeartMath Founder
Our Heart Rate Variability Training may help improve:
Adaptability & Resilience
General Well-being
Reducing Cortisol Levels
Lowering Blood Pressure

Mood & Emotions
Physical Stability & Agility
Cognitive Performance
Memory Abilities
Ready to learn more?
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